Jennifer Lee began her career in the healthcare industry in Human Resources. After ten years she transitioned to career counseling, where she found her niche in career services. As a people person who focuses on the needs of others, she soon became an entrepreneur striving to make a difference in people’s lives—and Résumé SHAPE was born.
As a professional career counselor at the Orange County One-Stop Center in Irvine, California, Jennifer has helped hundreds of job seekers either find new employment or re-enter the workforce. She worked with the unemployed, underemployed, and other job seekers, helping them to achieve their career goals. Jennifer has full insight into what employers are looking for due to her strong background in Human Resources and extensive experience in career coaching.
In addition to her professional HR experience, Jennifer has personal experience dealing with job setbacks and the challenges they present. Having been laid off from a long tenure Human Resources position, she went through a time of grief and sense of loss. It was then that she decided to undertake counseling training at Saddleback Church in Lake Forest. The thirty-week course gave her the foundation to deal with grief, loss, anger, bitterness, inner personal struggles, and discouragement.
We’re all familiar with the quote, When one door closes, another opens. During the last month of training, Jennifer was offered a career counselor position at the Orange County One-Stop Center.
Timing is everything. Every door is a decision.
The future is determined by the choices we make, not by our circumstances. From that point on Jennifer dared to surge forward. With courage and discernment, she continued to look up and not give up on hope. This experience transformed her life, shaping her to be the career coach that she needed to be to help her clients. It propelled her to be able to relate to them and utilize her HR knowledge to guide them in not just getting hired, but retaining employment.
With Résumé SHAPE Career Services, you can be reassured that Jennifer is dedicated to helping you bridge the gap. What sets her services apart is you work directly and solely with her in shaping your career journey.
Résumé SHAPE was founded on a vision that aspires to make a difference. Our values are guided by compassion, understanding, and individualized attention. You can be confident that you will be served with dignity, patience and respect.
“Don’t aspire just to make a living, aspire to make a difference.”
our philosophy
Often people race through life trying to accomplish many things, rushing about, always in a hurry. For us going slower seems to work better. It takes six hours to grow a mushroom, but sixty years to grow an oak tree —it takes a lot of patience. Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.” At Résumé SHAPE we take things at nature’s pace.
Finding the right job is like finding the right path. It is important to have patience; not blindly following a path simply because it is there, but finding your own adventure. Seek the best path for you, and if it curves in the wrong direction, then find a different path. Mistakes are simply learning experiences. We are here to help you navigate your career journey.